
What are Cosme Massi's thoughts on different subjects.

Here you will find the opinion of Cosme Massi on various subjects, most of them related to Spiritism. The inspiration for creating this page was the fact that every week we receive numerous questions from scholars of the Spiritist Doctrine from all over Brazil and abroad, on various issues and regarding Cosme Massi's opinion on particular topics. Now we share some of those yearnings and questionings with everyone through small videos. It is also a way of recording some of your thoughts and your main statements about points of doctrine and about life.

"Anyone who is not dogmatic is always open to new arguments and examines with attention, and with a spirit of charity, all the points of view that are contrary to him." (excerpt from the book "Spirit and Matter" by Cosme Massi)..


video archive of cosme massi

Cosme Massi by Cosme Massi

Spiritism for Cosme Massi

Why is studying important?

To be a spiritist is it necessary to study?


Understand Kardec. Live Kardec.

Why is Spiritism a Science?

About Spiritist Ethics

Is Kardec's work outdated?

Why is Spiritism a Philosophy?

Is Spiritism Necessary for Medianimic Practice?

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